IOM Strengthens Cross-Border Coordination Between Zambia and Namibia

Livingstone, Zambia - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) handed over mobile four mobile offices to the border authorities of Zambia and Namibia.
At a ceremony that took place in the Kazongola district in Zambia, near the Namibia border.
IOM has been actively collaborating with the Departments of Immigration in Zambia and Namibia to enhance cross-border coordination between the two countries. This collaboration falls under the IOM Development Fund (IDF) funded project titled "Strengthening the Implementation of a Border Residency Arrangements between Namibia and Zambia." This initiative is aligned to the GCM Objective 11 which calls for collaboration among states on border management to ensure state security, the security of migrants and of course to facilitate regular border crossing.
Under this project, several significant milestones have been achieved. Most recently, the project facilitated a field visit to Mambova and Mwandi in Zambia and Luhonono and Impalila Island in Namibia Border Posts in April 2023 which aimed at identifying exact controls and functions of the border crossing points and the border pass solution in place, including the enrollment process and current use of travel documents. Additionally, a technical exchange workshop was held from 23rd to 25th May 2023 in Livingstone, Zambia, which brought together immigration officials from both countries. The objective of the workshop was to review the Border Pass processes in detail and to make recommendations on the enhancement of Border Crossing Point (BCP)infrastructure.
During the field visit and technical exchange workshop, fruitful discussions took place, leading to the official handover of BCP infrastructure – mobile offices. This mobile offices will promote efficient border management, enhance collaboration between the two countries, foster regional stability and prosperity.
“The success story witnessed today is a testament to the innovative solutions developed by IOM and the Departments of Immigration in Zambia and Namibia”, stated Dr Japhet Lishomwa, the Zambian DG of Immigration. According to the Chief of Immigration, Namibia, Mr. Nehemia Nghishekwa “the support received from IOM will make a difference in the lives of the border residents and will enhance cultural interactions between communities as well as support their small-scale business ventures”.
This ongoing partnership demonstrates the commitment of all parties involved to facilitate safe and secure cross-border movements while promoting regional cooperation.
“Today marks a momentous occasion that enhances efforts that began a few years ago”, said Ms Florence Ntombesibini Situmbelo, Head of Office of IOM Namibia. “These mobile offices will ultimately serve as a catalyst for enhancing border posts in rural areas in Namibia and Zambia.”
IOM remains dedicated to supporting initiatives that foster effective border management and strengthen relations between nations.
For further information, please contact:
Zambia: Keisha Livermore,
Namibia: Florence Situmbeko,