15 January 2025
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15 January 2025
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20 December 2024
Seeds of Hope: How UN Namibia is Transforming Lives in Drought-Stricken Kavango West
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The Sustainable Development Goals in Namibia
The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth's environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in Namibia.
27 November 2022
FAO supporting Namibia to develop new Comprehensive Conservation Agriculture Programme
The first ever Comprehensive Conservation Agriculture Programme (CCAP 2015-2020) registered commendable progress towards improving food production and incomes for farmers in Namibia. The Framework aimed to increase the application of CA principles and practices among the crop-growing farmers of Namibia.
Godfried Meeja, from Otjozondjupa region says that adopting CA was the best decision he ever made as a farmer as he increased yields and now earns a decent income, while Paulina Aluuma added her voice to the awareness encouraging other farmers to adopt CA as it is an effective means to counter negative climate change effects such as low and variable pattern rainfall experienced in their Oshana region.
“CA has been promoted as an entry point to Climate Smart Agriculture and has the potential to contribute towards mitigation of some of the climate change and food systems challenges in Namibia,” Mildred Kambinda, Deputy Executive Director in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) noted in the meeting to evaluate the ended CA framework.
Formulating second generation of CA Framework
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through a 10 countries regional project “Strengthening Coordination, Scaling Up and Governance of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa (SUCASA)” is supporting development of the second generation of CCAP in Namibia.
The five-year Programme will inspire Namibia’s farmers towards adopting CA in order to ensure resilience, food security and nutrition as well as environmental protection.
The development of the first generation of the CA framework was also supported by FAO in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR).
“As the global climate crisis intensifies, more and more countries are beginning to adopt climate-smart, sustainable agriculture to ensure food security to feed millions of vulnerable people", Ferdinard Mwapopi, Assistant FAO Representative (Progammes) in Namibia said during a consultative meeting.
"Namibia still remains a net importer of food items and is thus highly exposed to environmental and economic factors affecting it as well as those prevailing in food exporting countries, and this increases its vulnerability to the shocks", added Mwapopi.
Transitioning to climate-smart agriculture practices
Consultations among key stakeholders are underway from development partners, academia and farmers to guide the design of the new intervention, and also ensure ownership and its successful implementation.
The new CA framework is being designed with the technical support from FAO and will seek to transition Namibian farmers from rain-fed traditional farming practice toward climate-smart agriculture.
Conservation Agriculture adoption and scaling up is highlighted in the 5th National Development Plan for Namibia 2017-2022 and the MAWLR Strategic Plan 2017-2022. The country has a target to have more farmers adopt at least one of the CA practices; minimum tillage, crop rotation and organic soil cover, by 2025 to ensure food and nutrition security.
The urgent need to scale up CA
Agriculture in Namibia is primarily rain-fed with the majority of the population engaged in subsistence farming.
“Despite agriculture being the main source of food for the smallholder farmers, most conventional farming practices have negative impacts on the ecosystems and contribute to environmental degradation, for example loss of soil quality,” Mwapopi noted.
With the country’s vulnerabilities such as prolonged dry spell and floods which at times take place simultaneously, Conservation Agriculture adoption would provide sustainable food production.
The FAO support is aimed at enhancing institutional and individual capacities of researchers, extension officers and farmers to enable the adoption of new agricultural good practices for improved crop production.
The capacities of the MAWLR are being developed to promote CA principles to help farmers increase production and productivity, thus reducing risks and building resilience to climate change.
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27 November 2022
Youthconnekt Namibia Launched
OTJIWARONGO, Namibia — The Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service, in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), officially launched the YouthConnekt Namibia initiative on 21 September 2022.
YouthConnekt Africa is a Pan-African program established by the African Union to co-design and expedite suitable solutions for youth socio-economic development, as well as to support intergovernmental knowledge exchange on policy, initiatives, and collaborations.
Operationalised in 2020, the YouthConnekt Africa hub aims to contribute to the achievement of Africa’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mandate, the AU 2063 agenda and the AU Youth Charter.
Through national YouthConnekt initiatives, the hub accomplishes its mandate by coordinating a global network to create a continental ecosystem for African youth; sharing experience and knowledge on programme and policy design, youth initiatives and providing a conduit for resources at scale and data on youth empowerment initiatives.
The Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Hon. Emma Kantema-Gaomas said YouthConnekt Namibia aims to involve Namibian youth in the YouthConnekt Africa Hub, where they will be expected to share ideas, submit business initiatives and acquire technical development skills.
“Our mandate as a ministry is focused towards the promotion of youth empowerment initiatives as expounded in our third national youth policy. It is, therefore, our duty to ensure that we join hands with development partners and other progressive organisations in the development of youth,” said Hon. Kantema-Gaomas during the launch.
She added that there is an urgent need for youth participation at the top end of the country’s economy, hence, the government has put together a variety of policy interventions designed to bring youth into the mainstream of the economy in order to improve inclusion and cohesion.
“Africa's most valuable resource is its youth, and Namibia is no exception, with youth constituting the majority of the population,” she stated.
Loide Amkongo, UNFPA Namibia Assistant Representative and Officer in Charge urged youth to read more to keep abreast with developments and opportunities. “Read, Reach and participate,” she advised the youth during a panel discussion on how Namibian youth can prepare themselves to fully benefit from the YouthConnekt.
“Finally Namibia has officially become part of YouthConnect Africa. We have started to connect with youth from all over Namibia and I cannot wait to connect with youth from the rest of the continent. I want to thank our government for this wonderful initiative, bringing youth together for problem-solving, promoting youth engagement, and empowering the youth,” said Valmary Jantjie, a youth from! Kharas region.
Riaan Siyama, a youth from the Zambezi region also looked forward to connecting with fellow youth and hearing their thoughts and ideas, especially on how to end gender-based violence (GBV) in the country. Siyama is a co-founder of Building Every Opportunity for Change, a civil society organisation that works with men to prevent GBV in Zambezi region.
“Without concerted efforts to address GBV and other forms of gender injustices, the lives of women and girls in the country remain at risk."
"I’m very thankful that we have been accorded the opportunity to be part of the YouthConnekt Namibia launch where we can showcase our work as well as collaborate with other youth around the country and make it effective for us to combat these social illnesses in our country,” he added.
The fifth YouthConnekt Africa Summit took place in Kigali, Rwanda in October this year, where hundreds of young people from the member states of YouthConnekt Africa gathered to share experiences, knowledge, and skills. Some of the members of YouthConnekt Namibia attended the summit in Kigali.
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14 November 2022
Adolescents and youth with disabilities, and adolescents living with and affected by HIV empowered on HIV and Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights
UNAIDS Namibia in collaboration with the Namibian National Association of the Deaf (NNAD) and National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia (NFPDN) with the support of UNICEF and UNFPA recently facilitated a two-day workshop on HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Windhoek, as part of the 2gether4SRHR initiative.
The workshop provided a safe platform for adolescents to interact and share key issues, successes and challenges that they face, for enhanced programming to address gaps in the HIV response, and to strengthen linkages between adolescents with disabilities and other adolescents, including those living with and affected by HIV to strengthen inclusion and partnerships.
The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted access to life-saving sexual and reproductive and other health services for adolescents, especially those with disabilities and those living and affected by with HIV. The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted access to life-saving sexual and reproductive and other health services for adolescents, especially those with disabilities and those living and affected by with HIV.
In her opening remarks, Dr Alti Zwandor, UNAIDS Namibia Country Director, encouraged participants to actively contribute during the workshop and continue engaging in programmes for and with youth and adolescents to end inequalities. “I hope that your views, suggestions, and recommendations from this workshop will inform the outcome document that will be developed to provide guidance on gender-transformative and human rights-based interventions for adolescents with disabilities in Namibia."
" I therefore urge you to be as free, open, and frank as possible,” said Dr Zwandor.
Among other challenges, the lack of sign language interpreters and skills is a big concern in Namibia as interpreters are usually fully booked when needed by the hearing-impaired community. This was also highlighted by the Namibia Planned Parenthooh Association (NAPPA), a youth friendly service provider for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care and support.
This continues to limit access to health and other social and essential services, leaving people with disabilities behind. “We often get discouraged to seek services from health facilities as there are no sign language interpreters to communicate our needs to healthcare workers and information hardly reaches us," said Martha, an adolescent with hearing impairment. Participants emphasized the need for the inclusion of adolescents with disabilities in the HIV and COVID-19 responses to ensure that people with disabilities access quality and equitable health services.
UNAIDS has long advocated for a three-track approach to advance the inclusion of people with disabilities in the HIV response, being:
Disability-specific activities and mainstreaming disability across all aspects of HIV responses.
Participation and active involvement of people with disabilities in all programme elements.
Disability-inclusive policies, programmes and implementation strategies that ensure appropriate funding and resources.
UNAIDS Namibia calls for all partners to use the social model, which acknowledges that the current inequalities are not due to peoples’ disability or vulnerability, but the inability of society to eliminate barriers challenging persons with disabilities. This will ensure inclusive development and programming for adolescents and youth so that they benefit from available services, and that the social and structural barriers that prevent young people from accessing HIV services are removed.
Speaking on behalf of the NFPDN, Mr. Orben Muluti calls for communities to start practicing equity and not equality.
“Equity will help us move to a better world, where all societal systems recognize the issues of people with disabilities and work collectively with them to mainstream disability in all aspects of life.” said Muluti.
In closing, the NNAD Director, Mr Paul Nanyeni highlighted the limited communication modalities for people with disabilities and emphasised the need to strengthen joint advocacy for the inclusion of sign language as an official language in Namibia.
The workshop was facilitated by various partners including AfriYAN Namibia, Regain Trust, NAPPA, Youth Empowerment Group (YEG), UNFPA, UNICEF and UNAIDS. The outcome document will be shared with all stakeholders for accelerated action for HIV and SRHR programming for adolescents with disabilities.
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03 December 2022
International Day of Persons with Disabilities Marks 29 Years of Disability Advocacy
It was first launched in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 47/3. The event is in its 29th year of celebration, marking nearly three decades of meaningful change for the community of Persons with Disabilities.
Such days allow us to pose and shine a light on different situations of Persons with different disabilities worldwide and what our contributions as society are towards the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all areas of life.
This day is aimed at celebrating the successes of persons with disabilities and promoting their rights and well-being in all spheres of society and development.
Although we live in a world where the contributions of persons with disabilities are not seen, it is very important to remember that a disability is less than the abilities of someone with a disability.
This year’s theme is “Transformative solutions for Inclusive Development: The Role of Innovation in Fueling an Accessible and Equitable World”
Focusing on three areas namely-
Sports and
Innovation by and for persons with disabilities.
Today and every day the UN is working together with people with different disabilities to create a world that is accessible, equal and inclusive for our fellow Brothers and Sisters who are differently abled, but the UN cannot do this alone since disability is a cross-cutting issue.
How can you assist the UN in creating an accessible, equal and inclusive world for persons with disabilities around you?
As we commemorate the 2022 International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we do enjoy the following poem entitled "No One" by Ms Pelgrina Ndumba, a UN Namibia Country Staff Member with a Visual Impairment.
No one
Seeking the acceptance of our communities should not be in vein, because no one will live our lives on our behalf.
A life of societal discrimination and ignorance should be a story of the past, because no one can live our lives on our behalf.
A helping hand to cross the street or to count money should not discourage us from achieving our goals, because no one should live our lives on our behalf
We are valuable agents of change; we are well able and should make a mark on the world because no one will live our lives on our behalf.
We are more than our faces; we are more than what you see. Our potential SHOULD be fully realized because no one will live our lives on our behalf.
Nothing about us will be done without us, because no one will live our lives on our behalf
Daily, we must face the inescapable challenges birthed from stigma and hate.
We are who we are today, because no one will live our lives on our behalf.
In whatever you do always be yourself, because you are not who you are by mistake and don’t let anything or anybody put you down, because you are able.
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15 November 2022
Towards an Early Warning System for Harmful Algal Blooms in Namibia
IOC-UNESCO and Namibia’s Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources organized major consultation to assess the specific needs and requirements for establishing an early warning system for harmful algal blooms in the Southern African country.
About 300 hundred species of microalgae are reported at times to form mass occurrences, so-called algal blooms. Nearly one-fourth of these species are known to produce toxins harmful to nature and to human beings, and the scientific community refers to these algal events as ‘Harmful Algal Blooms’ (HAB).
Proliferations of microalgae in marine or brackish waters can cause massive fish kills, contaminate seafood with toxins, and alter ecosystems in ways that humans perceive as harmful.
The impact of harmful microalgae is particularly evident when marine food resources (e.g. fisheries and aquaculture) are affected. Even though not all species are visibly affected by harmful algal blooms – such as shellfish and finfish –, they accumulate the toxins in their organs and subsequently transmit them to humans through consumption, leading to serious health threats.
“In the interest of food safety for the end consumer, an early warning system for HABs will serve as a food safety intervention tool to identify potential risks required to be managed; to maintain consumer and customer confidence; and to expand national, regional and international trade through the promotion of a safe seafood commodity.” - Heidi Skrypzeck, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Namibia
Monitoring of harmful algal blooms is essential in providing forecasts and early warnings for a potential HAB event, enabling regional authorities, industry, or individuals to take actions to mitigate public health, environmental, or economic risks and impacts.
The 5-6 October workshop gathered 32 participants from government ministries, the private sector, academic institutions, and official laboratories to define the early warning system requirements for Namibia, review current capacities and resources in place, and outline missing knowledge and data gaps.
As a result of collaboration between the Government of Namibia, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) and UNESCO’s Windhoek Office, the workshop marked the starting point of the development of an early warning system for HABs in Namibia combining monitoring with a mitigation and adaptation strategy.
“Through its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, UNESCO strives to assist Member States in managing and mitigating the impacts of harmful algae, essential for a productive and sustainable seafood industry.” - Henrik Enevoldsen, Head of Ocean Science at IOC-UNESCO
The workshop helped national stakeholders identify and share the main causes and effects of harmful algal blooms in Namibia, including mortalities, human food poisonings, ocean oxygen depletion, and the associated economic and ecological impacts – in particular on the export of shellfish products.
Participants identified an urgent need to establish a rapid monitoring and regulatory framework to ensure the protection of human health and safe seafood trade from the regular occurrence of harmful algae in the country.
“Engaging from the beginning with the different stakeholders is crucial to ensure that the early warning system being developed will eventually effectively meet their specific needs.” - Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein, invited expert from the University of Côte d’Azur
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15 January 2025
We mourn the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators, as they sought to destroy an entire people. We grieve the Roma and Sinti, the people with disabilities, and all others enslaved, persecuted, tortured, and killed. We stand alongside victims, survivors and their families. And we renew our resolve never to forget. To allow the Holocaust to fade from memory would dishonour the past and betray the future. Remembrance is a moral act. And a call to action. To know the history of the Holocaust is to know the depths to which humanity can sink… To understand how the Nazis were able to commit their heinous crimes, with the complicity of others… And to comprehend that each of us has a solemn duty – to speak-up against hate, and to stand-up for the human rights of all. Following the hell of the Holocaust, countries came together. And they enshrined the dignity of every person in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In dark times, that document remains a shining light. Eighty years since the Holocaust’s end, antisemitism is still with us – fuelled by the same lies and loathing that made the Nazi genocide possible. And it is rising. Discrimination is rife... Hate is being whipped-up the world over…Indisputable historical facts are being distorted, diminished, and denied…And efforts are being made to recast and rehabilitate Nazis and their collaborators. We must stand up to these outrages.In these days of division – and more than a year since the appalling 7th October terror attacks by Hamas – we must hold fast to our common humanity. We must condemn antisemitism – just as we must condemn all forms of racism, prejudice and religious bigotry. And we must renew our resolve to defend the dignity and human rights of all. Those causes go to the very core of the United Nations. We will never forget – and we will never waver in that fight.
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20 December 2024
Seeds of Hope: How UN Namibia is Transforming Lives in Drought-Stricken Kavango West
In Kavango West, one of Namibia’s most drought-stricken regions, the unforgiving landscape reflects the daily struggles of over 125,000 households facing food insecurity. Yet amid these harsh realities, a renewed sense of hope is taking root—both literally and figuratively. Through strong partnerships, innovative projects, and unwavering dedication, the United Nations Namibia team is empowering vulnerable communities to adapt, rebuild, and thrive.Central to these efforts is the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which has been instrumental in addressing the impacts of the persistent drought. Over the past year, CERF funding has enabled life-saving interventions in nutrition, water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH), and the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), improving the lives of thousands. These initiatives align with the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2025–2029, Namibia’s strategic blueprint for tackling its most pressing development challenges. In Gava village, UN-supported community health outreach programmes are addressing malnutrition, a critical issue in a region where over 30% of children experience stunted growth. Health workers conduct regular screenings for malnutrition while providing vital support to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Complementing these efforts, cash voucher programmes empower families to purchase nutritious food, offering immediate relief while preserving dignity and independence.During the mission to Kavango West Region on 11–12 December 2024, UN Resident Coordinator Hopolang Phororo witnessed firsthand the devastating impacts of the drought. In Kurekuru Extension 1, parched soils, emaciated livestock with visible rib cages, and strained water sources highlighted the immense challenges faced by both people and animals. Hygiene kits were handed over to affected households, with Ms. Phororo delivering an inspiring message: “While we are here to support, reflect on how you can actively contribute to your own well-being alongside the assistance provided.” Her words underscored the UN’s human-centered approach, which focuses on empowering communities to take charge of their future while equipping them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. At Siya village, the Resident Coordinator visited a UN-supported community garden and soup kitchen providing nutritious meals to vulnerable families while fostering sustainable food production. In Mupuni No. 1, she engaged directly with community members and regional leaders, gaining insight into pressing challenges, such as high rates of malnutrition and teenage pregnancy. These visits reinforced the urgent need for integrated, long-term interventions to build resilience and break cycles of vulnerability.The success of these targeted programmes is guided by the Comprehensive Country Assessment (CCA), which ensures that interventions are grounded in data and community feedback. This approach aligns with Namibia’s development priorities while addressing the root causes of vulnerability. According to the 2023 UN Annual Results Report, CERF-funded programmes have already reached over 500,000 people, saving lives and strengthening resilience in even the most isolated communities.As Namibia grapples with the dual challenges of prolonged drought and climate change, stories from Kavango West demonstrate the transformative power of collaboration, innovation, and perseverance. Whether through vital health services, innovative agricultural solutions, or holistic community support, the UN Namibia team is showing that, with solidarity and action, even the most vulnerable communities can withstand adversity and build resilience.In Kavango West, hope is no longer a fleeting dream—it is a tangible reality shaped by the resilience of its people and the steadfast commitment of those working alongside them. While emergency relief addresses immediate needs, it is the focus on sustainable, long-term solutions that transforms hope into a living force, paving the way for a better tomorrow.
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04 December 2024
This year’s commemoration is especially painful as those fundamental goals are as distant as they have ever been. Nothing justifies the 7 October terror attacks by Hamas and the taking of hostages. And nothing justifies the collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Yet, more than a year later, Gaza is in ruins, more than 43,000 Palestinians – mostly women and children – have been reportedly killed, and the humanitarian crisis is getting worse by the day. This is appalling and inexcusable. Meanwhile, in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Israeli military operations, settlement expansion, evictions, demolitions, settler violence and threats of annexation are inflicting further pain and injustice.It is past time for an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages; an end to the unlawful occupation of the Palestinian Territory – as confirmed by the International Court of Justice and the General Assembly; and irreversible progress towards a two-State solution, in line with international law and relevant UN resolutions – with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security, and Jerusalem as the capital of both States. As a matter of urgency, I appeal for full support of lifesaving humanitarian relief for the Palestinian people – in particular through the work of UNRWA, which represents an irreplaceable lifeline for millions of Palestinians.The United Nations will continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights to live in peace, security and dignity.
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07 November 2024
High School Learners take top honours at MODEL UN Conference
The 12th annual Model United Nations Namibia (MUNNAM) Conference took place on November 5-6, 2024, at the United Nations House in Klein Windhoek, where high school learners were honoured for their outstanding contributions during the closing ceremony. Jointly hosted by UN Namibia, the British High Commission, and the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, the conference allowed learners to simulate a UN General Assembly session focused on gender equality and women's empowerment.Over two days, delegates successfully passed one resolution out of four tabled. Awards were presented by H.E. Charles Moore, British High Commissioner to Namibia, and Dr. Carlos Fernandez Garcia, Team Leader & Strategic Planner at the UN Resident Coordinator's Office.The top honours went to the following delegates:Best Delegation: Delegation of HaitiNdapewa Shilemba (Windhoek International School) and Johannes Johannes (Hage Geingob High School) Best Delegate: Johanna Shikongo, representing Australia (Hage Geingob High School) Best Speaker: Benjamin Oldenburg, representing India (Windhoek International School) Best School: Windhoek International School All participants received certificates of participation, with 16 schools and 93 delegates marking a successful conference. Reflecting on the event, Charles Moore stated, "I was truly impressed by the outstanding display of diplomacy from our young delegates. It is clear that the Namibian youth are well poised to lead in the future. Listening to their ideas and perspectives inspires hope for a brighter tomorrow."Samuel Ocran, UNICEF Representative and Acting UN Resident Coordinator, emphasized the importance of youth engagement: "Youth are not just beneficiaries of the UN Agenda; they are essential partners in shaping a sustainable future. With their energy, creativity, and innovation, young people play a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals."The MUNNAM conference continues to empower Namibian youth by fostering critical thinking, public speaking skills, and international cooperation. This initiative not only enriches their educational experience but also equips them with invaluable skills for their future endeavours.About MODEL UNThe Model United Nations Namibia (MUNNAM)programme in Namibia is a flagship educational programme of the United Nations Information Centre in Windhoek. Delegates learn useful life skills such as research, public speaking, resolution writing, debating, negotiating, lobbying as well as solutions-based thinking and diplomacy. Participants learn more about the UN, multilateralism and the ability to take on a position outside their own. MUNNAM has been running for 12 years with UNIC Windhoek as custodian.
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22 October 2024
Turning Aspirations into Action: A Renewed UN-Namibia Partnership to Reduce Inequality and Empower Youth
Just less than six years until the expiration of Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development, wars and conflicts are raging, climate change is taking its toll, and we are faced with so much uncertainty, but hope remains. A month ago, the Pact for the Future was adopted at the General Assembly, setting a vision for multilateralism so that the world can deliver on its promises. Some are skeptical about another new framework that replaces Agenda 2030 which has failed to achieve all its targets. Others are more hopeful that the Pact, as ambitious as it is, highlights the need to address persistent current issues that keep us in the quandary and emerging ones. However, let us bear in mind that pacts and these aspirational documents are crafted by people and the failure to realize the targets rests on people, despite external factors. So, seeing any traction will depend on our commitment, will and behavioral change, including mindsets. We all have common wants for our countries, including sustainable development, equal access to housing, food, education, health, gender equality, and respect for human rights, topics enshrined in the UN Charter, adopted in 1945 and subsequent documents, including Agenda 2030, and the Pact for the Future. The Charter remains highly relevant today and this is not questionable. What must change are the institutions that were established to bring about change - the Security Council, and the multilateral financial institutions, which are no longer fit for purpose. Resistance to change means some benefit at the detriment of too many others. Institutions must also be recalibrated in-country to ensure that they bring about positive change in the lives of their people. This includes the UN, and efforts have been made, such as through the role of a reinvigorated Resident Coordinator System with the UN Country Team delivering on commitments under a unified framework. In Namibia, one chapter ends, the implementation of the United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPAF), 2019-2024, and a new one begins, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), 2025-2029. What have we learned along the journey? First, not all the targets were achieved, so we have unfinished business that we are carrying into this next phase. Most targets reached were around social transformation - health, education, gender-based violence and social protection… Fewer targets were met for the environment, governance and economic transformation outcomes (see 2023/24 UN Annual Results report) with the UN leveraging on country and non-resident technical expertise, provision of funding and building capacities. This work was done in collaboration with government, civil society partners and development partners.Our concerns persist regarding gender-based violence, rising teenage pregnancies, increasing unemployment, droughts and floods and it is for this reason that these issues remain as priorities in the UNSDCF. The question that we have asked ourselves in our engagements with several partners is where and how can we contribute to shifting the needle? The UN brings modest funding envelopes in the country since we are not a financing institution but primarily work on development issues through the provision of technical expertise, evidence of good practices, knowledge and tools, and catalytical funds to pilot programmes. Given the agency’s comparative advantage, no one agency cannot offer a full package, so imagine what kind of impact could be achieved if we brought all the comparative advantages of the UN into one region to pilot area based or joint programming. However, for this approach to work, it requires not just the UN to work in a coordinated manner but also other partners, including the private sector, government structures at regional and district level, civil society organizations and development partners. Greater results are derived when we cooperate rather than when we compete. In the 2025-2029 UNSDCF, four results areas have been identified, namely effective governance and public service delivery; economic recovery, transformation and resilience; sustainable development and green growth opportunities; and human development and community resilience, which are like those in the former UNPAF. They align with the priorities articulated in the White Paper of the National Development Plan (NDP) 6 that is currently being finalized. The issues identified in 2019 remain pervasive and accelerated implementation is an imperative if we are going to reach the 2030 Agenda targets. How we deliver in this new UNSDCF must change or in 2029, we will not have made significant progress, and this is captured in three key points. Tackling inequality in an integrated manner and placing people at the centre of the work we do with an emphasis on young people is the overarching goal. This requires concrete actions to move beyond rhetoric and meaningfully engage young people in the implementation of the four pillars. Even though we have been doing this, we recognize that more is still required. Addressing unemployment is one pathway and the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection focusing on the agriculture and biomass sector is one such example. Innovative financing and partnerships will be critical to deliver impactful and sustainable outcomes. Exploring how the UN can leverage on pooled/domestic funding In Namibia will be pursued, drawing on examples of other countries, where the UN as a trusted partner and bringing its diverse global experience and technical expertise has managed to address national priorities with Government channeling funds to the UN. Private sector engagement on broader development issues needs to be explored further beyond the exchange of information in a limited and ad-hoc manner. Redefining how to collaborate with civil society organizations given the broad outreach with beneficiaries in the context of shrinking funding envelopes is crucial.Greater coherence and coordination of programmes through joint programmes/programming will facilitate greater synergy and efficiency, thus reducing fragmentation and duplication, particularly considering limited funding. This new UNSDCF provides an opportunity to pilot more area-based programmes in specific regions and joint programming, where two or more UN agencies work in an integrated manner to have a greater impact. The future is bright, the Pact of the Future provides entry points to address key national priorities, which are encompassed in the UNSDCF. The development of the NDP6 is timely and, the fact that Namibia will have a new leader at its helm in 2025 are opportunities for recalibration, all in the interests for a better Namibia. The UN remains committed to supporting the country’s priorities through the implementation of the UNSDCF and this is our humble contribution.
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Press Release
22 October 2024
UN Calls for Commitment to Agenda 2030 and beyond, as Namibia Prepares for the 2025-2029 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework
Last month, the Pact for the Future was adopted at the United Nations General Assembly, providing a renewed vision for multilateralism aimed at addressing global challenges and delivering on promises for a better future.In Namibia, the United Nations is ushering in a new era of development cooperation with the launch of the 2025-2029 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), which succeeds the 2019-2024 United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPAF). Reflecting on lessons learned from the previous framework, much progress was made in social transformation—such as in health, education, and gender-based violence—less was achieved in environmental governance, economic transformation, and governance outcomes. These areas, require a concerted push for greater impact under the new UNSDCF.Tackling inequality in an integrated manner and placing people at the centre of the work the UN does with an emphasis on young people is the overarching goal. This requires concrete actions to move beyond rhetoric and meaningfully engage young people in the implementation. Central to the 2025-2029 UNSDCF is a renewed focus on addressing persistent issues such as gender-based violence, rising teenage pregnancies, increasing unemployment, and the challenges of drought and floods. These issues, which continue to affect Namibia’s population, remain key priorities for the next phase of collaboration between the UN and Namibia.The UNSDCF 2025-2029 prioritizes four key areas:Effective Governance and Public Service Delivery: Strengthening governance frameworks, enhancing institutional capacities, and promoting transparency.Economic Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience: Supporting economic diversification, job creation, and SME growth for inclusive economic development.Sustainable Development and Green Growth Opportunities: Promoting sustainable natural resource management and strengthening climate resilience.Human Development and Community Resilience: Improving access to quality healthcare, education, and social protection services to ensure no one is left behind.These areas of focus are closely aligned with Namibia’s national priorities outlined in the forthcoming Sixth National Development Plan (NDP6) and the Vision 2030. In this new framework, young people and marginalized communities will remain central to all development efforts. The UN aims to create more inclusive opportunities for youth participation in the economy and decision-making processes, while ensuring that women, rural populations, and people with disabilities are not left behind.The UN, while not a financing institution, has provided critical technical expertise, evidence-based solutions, and pilot programmes supported by catalytic funds. The UNSDCF emphasizes the need for greater coordination among UN agencies, and strengthening partnerships with government bodies, civil society, the private sector, and International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to achieve more significant, sustainable results. Leveraging the comparative advantages of each partner and fostering collaboration rather than competition will be essential to driving progress.The Pact for the Future provides a global framework for supporting national priorities and acceleration towards the SDGs. The UNSDCF 2025-2029 underscores the UN’s commitment to supporting Namibia’s development objectives in the lead-up to 2030 and beyond.
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Press Release
11 October 2024
UN and Government of Namibia Join Forces to Address Drought Crisis Amid El Niño
This initiative aims to deliver immediate assistance to vulnerable communities complementing other interventions to build long-term resilience. This funding decision by the United Nations CERF follows the visit of the Office of the ASG/Climate Crisis Coordinator for the El Niňo / La Niňa Response, Ms. Reena Ghelani, and the OCHA Regional Office in July 2024. The UN Resident Coordinator, Ms. Hopolang Phororo, and the ASG/Climate Crisis Coordinator for the El Niňo / La Niňa Response, Ms. Ghelani, advocated for UN support at regional and global level, as well as from development partners.
Namibia is currently facing one of its most severe droughts, influenced by the El Niño climate pattern, which has significantly impacted agriculture and food security across the nation. This crisis threatens the livelihoods of communities, particularly in the Omaheke, Kavango East, and Kavango West regions, which are classified as Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) 4, indicating an emergency in terms of food insecurity.
The United Nations, with the Government of Namibia, has mobilized US$3 million in response to this urgent need, leveraging the CERF. This funding, coordinated through the UN and OPM partnership, aims to complement the government’s Drought Response Plan to scale up lifesaving interventions to reach extremely vulnerable households in the most severely drought-affected locations in Kavango West, Kavango East, and Omaheke Regions.
The UN intervention will be implemented by the World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for six months. The total number of people directly targeted is approximately 163,000 across the following sectors: food assistance; nutrition; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and protection from gender-based violence.
The UN will oversee the implementation in collaboration with OPM, national, and local partners to ensure the effective distribution of food and services to those in most need. These efforts not only address the immediate crisis but also lays the foundation for long-term resilience, focusing on strengthening local supply chains, enhancing nutritional knowledge, and building community feedback mechanisms.
The integrated approach is designed to ensure accountability and transparency, with monitoring mechanisms established to protect the rights of affected communities and promote sustainable livelihoods.
Namibia is currently facing one of its most severe droughts, influenced by the El Niño climate pattern, which has significantly impacted agriculture and food security across the nation. This crisis threatens the livelihoods of communities, particularly in the Omaheke, Kavango East, and Kavango West regions, which are classified as Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) 4, indicating an emergency in terms of food insecurity.
The United Nations, with the Government of Namibia, has mobilized US$3 million in response to this urgent need, leveraging the CERF. This funding, coordinated through the UN and OPM partnership, aims to complement the government’s Drought Response Plan to scale up lifesaving interventions to reach extremely vulnerable households in the most severely drought-affected locations in Kavango West, Kavango East, and Omaheke Regions.
The UN intervention will be implemented by the World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for six months. The total number of people directly targeted is approximately 163,000 across the following sectors: food assistance; nutrition; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and protection from gender-based violence.
The UN will oversee the implementation in collaboration with OPM, national, and local partners to ensure the effective distribution of food and services to those in most need. These efforts not only address the immediate crisis but also lays the foundation for long-term resilience, focusing on strengthening local supply chains, enhancing nutritional knowledge, and building community feedback mechanisms.
The integrated approach is designed to ensure accountability and transparency, with monitoring mechanisms established to protect the rights of affected communities and promote sustainable livelihoods.
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Press Release
28 November 2022
Labour Migration Governance Key to Protecting Migrant Workers in Southern Africa
The President of Zimbabwe, Dr Emmerson Mnagwanga will officially open the high-level conference which seeks to find ways to foster fair and effective labour migration governance and the protection of migrant workers in Southern Africa. Led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the High-Level Tripartite Dialogue is a culmination of activities and research organised by the Southern African Migration Management (SAMM) Project to identify priorities at the national level and advance in the implementation of country-level labour migration policies and action plans in the SADC region.
It is designed to improve migration management in the Southern African and Indian Ocean region guided by, and contributing to the realisation of, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda goal 8 on decent work and economic growth and goal 10 on reducing inequality and Objective 6 of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) to Facilitate fair and ethical recruitment and safeguard conditions that ensure decent work.
Since almost half of all migrant workers in the SADC region are women, the conference will spotlight the importance of labour migration policies to be gender-responsive and evidence-based. For many women, as for men, migration can represent a positive experience and have important emancipating and empowering impacts.
According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA, year ), the feminization of migration has reached significant levels in the Southern African region with 47 per cent of all migrants being female.
But often female migrants are confronted with gender specific disadvantages and vulnerability in the migration process and in their employment. Women workers, especially young female migrants, often end up in situations of double or even triple discrimination, disadvantage, marginalization and vulnerability (including violence and harassment as well as forced labour.
“Maximizing the benefits of labour migration and minimizing the risks and social costs requires sound and effective labour migration governance,” said Ms. Hopalong Phororo, ILO Director for ILO Country Office for Zimbabwe and Namibia. “Expert studies and data show that migration, particularly labour migration, is an important enabler and beneficiary of regional integration and economic development in Africa.”
Across the world, migration is largely linked to the search for a job and better wages, and even if employment is not the primary driver, it usually features in the migration process at some point. In Southern Africa, as in many parts of the world, migrants face prejudice, intolerance and stigmatization in their workplaces and communities.
“It is necessary to advocate for improved migration management in Southern Africa, as a pivotal approach to addressing the challenges of migration, and ensuring that migration has a positive outcome for the country, migrants, and the members of their families”, said Mr. Ashraf El Nour, IOM Regional Director for Southern Africa.
The Southern African region has had a long history of intra-regional migration. All Member States of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) are involved in labour migration flows as countries of origin, transit, or destination and often they play the three roles at the same time.
In the SADC region, migrant workers are present in agriculture, fishing, mining, construction, food processing, domestic work, caregiving, cleaning, restaurants-hotels, transportation and retail trade.
The two day conference will promote fair, ethical and effective labour migration governance through tripartism that brings Ministries of Labour/Employment, Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, as well as workers’ and employers’ organisations and social dialogue particularly in the development of rights-based, gender-sensitive and evidence-based labour migration legislation and policies, taking account of labour market needs.
The conference will assess labour migration governance progress so far, gaps and challenges as well as main opportunities to consider in the SADC region. It will also identify tripartite constituents’ labour migration governance priority areas of collaboration, share existing and proposed good practices and recommendations and mention current roles and contributions. It will also provide a platform to tripartite partners to re-organise and re-strategize on labour migration governance in Southern Africa
About the SAMM Project
The SAMM Project is a United Nations Multi-Agency programme composed of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The European Union is supporting and funding the implementation of the project.
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Press Release
25 November 2022
Message for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Every 11 minutes, a woman or girl is killed by an intimate partner or family member — and we know that other stresses, from the COVID-19 pandemic to economic turmoil, inevitably lead to even more physical and verbal abuse.
Women and girls also face rampant online violence, from misogynistic hate speech, to sexual harassment, image abuse and grooming by predators.
This discrimination, violence and abuse targeting half of humanity comes at a steep cost. It limits women’s and girls’ participation in all walks of life, denies their basic rights and freedoms, and blocks the equal economic recovery and sustainable growth our world needs.
Now is the time for transformative action that ends violence against women and girls.
This means governments designing, funding and implementing national action plans to tackle this scourge.
It means involving grassroots and civil society groups at every stage of decision-making.
It means ensuring that laws are implemented and respected, so survivors see their rights to justice and support upheld.
It means supporting public campaigns that challenge patriarchal norms and reject misogyny and violence.
And as this year’s theme — “UNITE: Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls” — reminds us, it means standing with activists around the world who are calling for change and supporting survivors of violence. I call on governments to increase funding by 50 per cent to women’s rights organizations and movements by 2026.
Let’s take a stand and raise our voices in support of women’s rights.
Let’s proudly declare: We are all feminists.
Let’s consign violence against women and girls to the history books.
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Press Release
26 October 2022
WFP calls for action following World Food Day to avoid another year of global record hunger
“We are facing an unprecedented global food crisis, and all signs suggest we have not yet seen the worst. For the last three years, hunger numbers have repeatedly hit new peaks,” said WFP Executive Director David Beasley.
"Let me be clear: things can and will get worse unless there is a large-scale and coordinated effort to address the root causes of this crisis. We cannot have another year of record hunger".
The global food crisis is a confluence of competing crises – caused by climate shocks, conflict, the prolonged impact of COVID-19 and economic pressures – that has continued to push up the number of severely food insecure people all around the world, including in Namibia, where out of a population of 2.3M, there are 0.3M (13%) who are consuming food insufficiently.
In WFP Namibia, we strive to achieve a better life for all through 32 sustainable food systems projects across the country with 1,457 direct beneficiaries. Additionally, 29 schools are piloting Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) projects with 11,730 beneficiaries. Finally, for cash-based transfers through the
Japanese government, 17,712 vulnerable people have been selected in Omaheke, Kunene and Oshikoto regions, including nearly 3,700 malnourished children under the age of five. Each family will receive a value voucher equivalent to US$ 38 per month for three months (October 2022- December 2022) to cope with the inflation in the price of food and commodities secondary to the Ukraine-Russia war. Building on this year’s theme for World Food Day – “No one left behind” – WFP calls for coordinated effort across governments, financial institutions (IFIs), the private sector, and partners to mitigate an even more severe food crisis in 2023. This includes reinforcing national economies, social protection
systems, and regional and domestic food systems – at speed and scale. "It is the business of each of us to practice the theme of this day by planting one fruit tree together with a crop wherever we live,’’ said Ms Ericah Shafudah, Deputy Country Representative of WFP Namibia. This year’s World Food Day (WFD) celebration took place in Uukwiyuushona village on the premises of Uukwiyuushona Combined School on Saturday, 15th October 2022. The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) spearheaded the preparation of WFD, and WFP participated as a sponsor. The role of WFP was to support one beneficiary (a 55-year-old female farmer in Oshana) in setting up a shade-netted garden of 0.5 ha for the planting of spinach, carrots, cabbage and beetroot among other vegetables, for a diversified diet including income generation. The farmer will use the vegetables to
support a kindergarten with 19 children and a household of 7 people (26 beneficiaries in total). The total support cost for this activity was N$60,000 (US$ 3,500). Another activity for this event was capturing a video as part of the FAO-WFP Namibia school meals Campaign (SMC) in the Mphe Thuto Primary School, Omaheke region. The video was selected for showcasing during the Junior World Food Day on the 14th of October 2022. While these efforts provide succour to some of the severely vulnerable, it is against a challenging global backdrop in which the number of acutely hungry people continues to increase requiring a concerted global action for peace, economic stability and continued humanitarian support to ensure food security around the world. Other sponsors participating in the celebration by implementing various activities were the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), GIZ Namibia, Namibia Agronomic Board, Agri Gro, Coca Cola, NamWater, MeatCo, Namport, Choppies Namibia, Marco Fishing Charitable Trust, Namibia Agricultural Mechanization and Seed Improvement Programme (NAMSIP), Agro Marketing and Trading Agency (AMTA), Shivute Family Trust, Oshakati Town Council, Kaap Agri, Uukwambi Traditional Authority and the Ombandja Traditional Authority. The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. Follow us on Twitter_ @WFP_Africa, @WFPNamibia. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram: @WFPNamibia For more information, please contact the following persons:
Luise Shikongo, Communications and Reporting Associate, WFP/ Namibia:
Rawan Taha, Operational Information Management (OIM) and Performance Reporting (PR) Officer, WFP/ Namibia:
Japanese government, 17,712 vulnerable people have been selected in Omaheke, Kunene and Oshikoto regions, including nearly 3,700 malnourished children under the age of five. Each family will receive a value voucher equivalent to US$ 38 per month for three months (October 2022- December 2022) to cope with the inflation in the price of food and commodities secondary to the Ukraine-Russia war. Building on this year’s theme for World Food Day – “No one left behind” – WFP calls for coordinated effort across governments, financial institutions (IFIs), the private sector, and partners to mitigate an even more severe food crisis in 2023. This includes reinforcing national economies, social protection
systems, and regional and domestic food systems – at speed and scale. "It is the business of each of us to practice the theme of this day by planting one fruit tree together with a crop wherever we live,’’ said Ms Ericah Shafudah, Deputy Country Representative of WFP Namibia. This year’s World Food Day (WFD) celebration took place in Uukwiyuushona village on the premises of Uukwiyuushona Combined School on Saturday, 15th October 2022. The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) spearheaded the preparation of WFD, and WFP participated as a sponsor. The role of WFP was to support one beneficiary (a 55-year-old female farmer in Oshana) in setting up a shade-netted garden of 0.5 ha for the planting of spinach, carrots, cabbage and beetroot among other vegetables, for a diversified diet including income generation. The farmer will use the vegetables to
support a kindergarten with 19 children and a household of 7 people (26 beneficiaries in total). The total support cost for this activity was N$60,000 (US$ 3,500). Another activity for this event was capturing a video as part of the FAO-WFP Namibia school meals Campaign (SMC) in the Mphe Thuto Primary School, Omaheke region. The video was selected for showcasing during the Junior World Food Day on the 14th of October 2022. While these efforts provide succour to some of the severely vulnerable, it is against a challenging global backdrop in which the number of acutely hungry people continues to increase requiring a concerted global action for peace, economic stability and continued humanitarian support to ensure food security around the world. Other sponsors participating in the celebration by implementing various activities were the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), GIZ Namibia, Namibia Agronomic Board, Agri Gro, Coca Cola, NamWater, MeatCo, Namport, Choppies Namibia, Marco Fishing Charitable Trust, Namibia Agricultural Mechanization and Seed Improvement Programme (NAMSIP), Agro Marketing and Trading Agency (AMTA), Shivute Family Trust, Oshakati Town Council, Kaap Agri, Uukwambi Traditional Authority and the Ombandja Traditional Authority. The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change. Follow us on Twitter_ @WFP_Africa, @WFPNamibia. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram: @WFPNamibia For more information, please contact the following persons:
Luise Shikongo, Communications and Reporting Associate, WFP/ Namibia:
Rawan Taha, Operational Information Management (OIM) and Performance Reporting (PR) Officer, WFP/ Namibia:
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