We The Women Campaign

The United Nations "We the Women" campaign, led by the Deputy Secretary-General, aims to amplify women's voices and leadership in shaping a better future. The campaign includes a global survey, open from March 8-30, 2024, inviting women worldwide to share their priorities, hopes, and fears. The survey results will inform the UN's Summit of the Future in September 2024.
Download this brief to learn more about the campaign's objectives, elements, and how you can participate in this groundbreaking initiative to ensure women's perspectives are heard globally. Discover how the campaign engages women through a survey, intergenerational dialogues, a short documentary, and a photo exhibition. Join us in creating a world that works for all by amplifying women's voices and experiences.
By participating in the "We the Women" campaign, you'll contribute to shaping the Pact for the Future, the outcome document of the Summit of the Future. Be part of this global movement to listen to women, engage them in decision-making, and act on their insights for a more equitable and sustainable future.
Download the "We the Women" Campaign Brief now and be part of the change. Take the survey here: https://bit.ly/3wO8oMa