Caption: UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar congratulates Namibian President Sam Nujoma on 21 March 1990
As we reflect on 32 years of independence, let us remember the role of the UN in Namibia’s independence story.
The Namibian academic Dennis Zaire writes that “Truth be told, independence would not have been possible without the solidarity and support of the international community… The UN, through its agencies and the Security Council together with the General Assembly, kept the question of Namibia for years on their agendas until its successful conclusion”.
Namibia’s long history with the UN started when Hosea Kutako - through Rev. Michael Scott - first petitioned against South African rule over South West Africa in 1946. Many of these petition events would take place in New York over the following years.
In 1976, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) officially confirmed SWAPO as “the sole and authentic representative of the Namibian people”. The UN also established the United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN), an educational facility specifically designed to prepare and train Namibians for taking up roles in an independent Namibia. In 1978, UN resolution 435 is adopted, paving the way for Namibia’s democratic election and independence
Caption: UNTAG assisting the facilitating of Namibia's inaugural democratic election.
On 1 April 1989, UN Resolution 435 finally commences, putting in place UN-supervised free and fair elections. Amidst rising tensions putting Namibian’s independence at risk, the United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) is deployed to oversee the elections. In November 1989, UN-supervised elections are held for the Constituent Assembly. SWAPO gains 57.33% of the vote and 41 seats out of 72 in the Assembly.
On 21 March 1990, Namibia becomes an independent country. Nearly 45 years after its representatives first petitioned for independence at the UN. In April 1990, Namibia is admitted to the United Nations, becoming the 160th country to join its ranks.
Namibia’s independence process was a tremendous success for the United Nations and has become a model for subsequent UN peacekeeping operations. It exemplifies how diplomacy and negotiation, not conflict and violence, can achieve peaceful and sustainable liberation.