WFP Namibia Country Brief

An upper-middle-income country, Namibia has a population of 2.5 million people. The country has experienced recurrent floods and drought, insect and worm invasions, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which all have had a profound impact on food security, health, and nutrition. Insufficient food production and reliance on poorly adapted rain-fed agriculture and external markets for food suggest that poor households are vulnerable to shocks and food price inflation.
Through the Namibia Country Strategic Plan (CSP) 2017–2023, WFP provides food assistance to vulnerable people affected by shock, ensures adequate capacity strengthening to the Government, and facilitates effective policies and best practices. The addition of strategic outcome 4 to the current CSP aims to strengthen food systems and increase the production capacity of smallholder farmers.
WFP has been present in Namibia since 1990 as a technical partner to the Government, facilitating the development and transfer of knowledge, maintaining capacities to supplement food security and nutrition programmes.