United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPAF) 2019-2023

The Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) and the United Nations Development System in Namibia, through the United Nations Partnership Framework (UNPAF) 2019-2023, pledge to work together in partnership to support the implementation of the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP 5), the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and the Blue Print for Wealth Redistribution and Poverty Eradication and overall the realisation of Namibia’s Vision 2030. The United Nations will continue the Delivering as One (DaO) approach, with full term Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, and the country’s human rights obligations and other commitments under internationally agreed conventions and treaties.
Aligned with NDP 5, this partnership framework contributes to four main results areas:
Economic Progression
Social Transformation
Environmental Sustainability
Good Governance
The UNPAF for 2019-2023 has been prepared by the GRN and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Namibia, including Non-Resident Agencies, through an extensive consultation process with various stakeholders, including civil society organisations (CSOs), bilateral and multilateral organisations, private sector, academia and research institutions/think tanks.
the UNCT, whereas the United Nations will offer its international network and expertise to facilitate exchanges and knowledge sharing, foster innovation, build new partnerships and provide continued policy support where requested.