A painful memory
Kuliua Maundu, 26, remembers the night like it was yesterday. “I was at home, and the pain started,” she says.
“I thought it was just labour, so I tried to sleep, thinking I'd go to the hospital in the morning.”
Kuliua lives in Orotjitombo, a small village about 29 kilometers from Opuwo, the capital of Namibia's Kunene region. In 2018, she was expecting her first child. But by the time she reached the hospital the next day, it was too late. Her baby boy had died from umbilical cord strangulation, a tragic complication.
“If only I had gone to the hospital sooner,” Kuliua says, her eyes filled with a quiet sadness. “Or if I had been at the Maternity Waiting Home...” She pauses, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. “We don’t have a car, and it's hard to find someone to take you quickly.” She also admits she did not attend antenatal care services.
“I regret it every day,” she says.
Kunene region faces significant challenges in maternal healthcare. Long distances, poor roads, and a lack of transportation mean many women struggle to reach hospitals in time for delivery. This region also has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancies in Namibia.
Caption: Hope and anticipation. Kuliua, at the Maternity Waiting Home, looking forward to a safe delivery
Today, Kuliua is expecting her third child. Two daughters, three and five years old, keep her busy when she is home. This time again, she’s staying at the Kazetjitindire Angelika Muharukhua Maternity Waiting Home in Opuwo. “Here, I feel safe,” she says. “If anything happens, I’m close to the hospital.”
The maternity waiting home, built in 2013, provides a place for expectant mothers to stay as their due date approaches. It offers essential facilities such as a shared kitchen, dining room, and comfortable sleeping quarters.
“It's comfortable here,” Kuliua explains. “At home, we cook outside on the fire. Here, we have stoves. We sleep on beds, not on the floor. It makes a big difference.”
In 2023, the United Nations in Namibia, through the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)’s Leaving No One Behind project, funded by the Japanese Embassy, stepped in to improve the waiting home. Refurbishment efforts were undertaken, and essential supplies, including dignity kits, were provided. Items such as a refrigerator, stoves, dining tables, chairs, blankets, and mosquito nets were donated.
The maternity waiting home was constructed with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) through funding from the European Union. The World Food Programme (WFP) helped establish a garden, providing fresh vegetables for the women. The garden ensures access to nutritious food, which is essential for the health of expectant mothers and their babies. Learning how to grow food also helps the women maintain better nutrition for their families once they return home.
Caption: The UN team with women at the Maternity Waiting Home. Seated from left to right: UN Women SA Representative Aleta Miller, UN Resident Coordinator Hopolang Phororo, and UNFPA Namibia Representative Erika Goldson. Kuliua is seated behind the UN Women Representative.
On 7 March 2024, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Hopolang Phororo visited the maternity waiting home, spending the afternoon with pregnant women, including Kuliua, to better understand their experiences. She was accompanied by UNFPA Namibia Representative Erika Goldson and UN Women SA Representative Aleta Miller. The visit was part of International Women’s Day, celebrating the strength and resilience of women.
“Every woman deserves access to safe maternal healthcare, no matter where she lives,” said Phororo. “This maternity waiting home is an example of how we can bring services closer to those who need them most, ensuring that no mother has to experience the heartbreak of losing a child due to preventable complications.”
The United Nations in Namibia continues to work towards improving maternal healthcare through its support for maternity waiting homes, family planning initiatives, and efforts to reduce teenage pregnancies. Through partnerships with the government, local communities and other partners, the UN is committed to ensuring that every mother and child has the best possible start in life.
For Kuliua, staying at the maternity waiting home is more than just a place to wait—it’s a chance to give her baby the safest possible beginning. “This time, I am doing everything I can to make sure my baby arrives safely. And I hope more women will do the same.”
Maternity Waiting Homes (MWHs) empower women and promote gender equality by providing safe spaces for pregnant women, especially in remote areas, ensuring access to skilled maternal care and reducing childbirth risks. They safeguard women’s health, enabling greater participation in social and economic activities, while challenging gender norms by prioritizing women’s health and rights. MWHs are a vital link between health equity, women’s empowerment, and gender equality.