The Acting Minister of Education, Mr. Martin Andjaba announced the closure of all public and private schools in Namibia with immediate effect from 16 March.
Following the President’s announcement confirming 2 COVID-19 cases in Namibia yesterday, the Acting Minister of Education, Mr. Martin Andjaba announced the closure of all public and private schools in Namibia with immediate effect from 16 March 2020 for learners and teachers.
Taking into account the ban on all large gatherings for the health and safety of all Namibians, Andjaba said that the College of the Arts, Libraries and Resource Centres, Museums, National Art Gallery of Namibia and National Literacy Programmes of Namibia are also closed and suspended with immediate effect.
The Acting Minister called on Management of Resources and School Hostels to make arrangements regarding the collection or return of learners to their homes, ensuring that no learners are left unattended by parents or guardians.
The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture also amended the Namibian school calendar and drew special attention to the second term, highlighting that the second term examination will cover the content of the first and second term, therefore learners will not receive a first term progress report. The second term progress report should thus be used for admission purposes.
Anjaba appealed to School Management to ensure the cleanliness of schools, libraries and other educational institutions upon the commencement of the second term on 14 April 2020. Schools were reminded to strengthen the implementation of the Water and Hygiene (WASH) iniative, ensuring that there is sufficient soap (liquid) and tippy taps available.
Parents and guardians were also requested to ensure that appropriate precautionary measures are taken at home in line with the measures of the WHO and the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Parents were also tasked to oversee study plans for children at home providing the necessary support.