2020 Annual Development Partners’ Forum and the Launch of the Communication Strategy on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) 2020-2022
29 October 2020
The most important and imperative agenda for any developing country is economic and social development, ensuring a sustainable and resilient path.
Today, marks the Annual Development Partners’ Forum for the year 2020 coinciding with launch of the Communication Strategy on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), under the leadership of Hon. Obeth Mbuipaha Kandjoze (Director General of the National Planning Commission (NPC) and the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Sen Pang.
The Hon. DG in his statement remarked that
“the Forum offers an opportunity to strengthen coordination - both inter-sectoral and among diverse partners for efficient and effective use of limited resources and it is coinciding with the official launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Communication Strategy”
while the UN Resident Coordinator stated that
“from the very start, this Forum has served as a platform and vehicle for development partners to exchange information and discuss with the government about the ways and means for the achievement of SDGs aligned to the National Development Plans.
The COVID pandemic has given this year’s DPF of special importance. We need to unite as one in our fight against the pandemic. The most important and imperative agenda for any developing country is economic and social development, ensuring a sustainable and resilient path toward income generation, job creation and making sure no one is left behind.”
Dr. Gabrielle Geier: Head of Cooperation, German Embassy emphasized the intensification of public dialogue in line with the principle of Leaving No One Behind in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and National Development Plans.
The Development Partners Forum is a fundamental platform for our Government and its Development Partners to interact, discuss as well as conduct a reflection on development matters of mutual concern. This is a platform where Government together with its strategic Development Partners in the Republic of Namibia, among others the Bilateral and Multilateral Institutions, the Private Sector, Academia, Research Institutions, as well as Civil Society Organizations engage at the highest level to deliberate on development plans and device remedial strategies going forward.
Caption: Development Partners’ deliberating during the Forum
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought excessive economic pressure on our sectors of production in terms of goods and services. As a result, the 2020 Development Partners Forum has identified four momentous sub-groups i.e. Health, Tourism, Digital and ICT, as well as Innovation Development Finance as the main focus of interest to deliberate, and find viable alternatives to re-dress the linkages, gaps and challenges caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Virtual platforms will be used to engagement Development Partners in line with the Covid-19 protocols.